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How One Engineer can Create Change & Impact

  • 2 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


A 4 step programme to help those who want to use their voice to create real change and show up within their organisations as a valued leader. This will lead to: - Career progression and access to internal and external leadership positions - Fulfilment & confidence as you create opportunities for others to thrive - Earned respect and enhanced relationships with your colleagues, peers and leadership team The 4 workshops within this programme: 1. Gaining the courage to pursue opportunities & share your ideas: How one engineer grows into their potential 2. Creating strategies for change: How one engineer gains the support of the masses. 3. Implementing your strategies for change: how one engineer can change the status quo. 4. Creating & implementing a plan to increase inclusivity: how one engineer can open the door for many (as an example of using the above teachings to make a difference)

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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